Kharkiv Tractor Plant (KhTZ): A Historical Overview of Ukraine’s Agricultural Machinery Manufacturer

Kharkiv Tractor Plant (KhTZ): A Historical Overview of Ukraine's Agricultural Machinery Manufacturer

Kharkiv Tractor Plant (KhTZ): A Historical Overview of Ukraine’s Agricultural Machinery Manufacturer

The Kharkiv Tractor Plant (KhTZ), known as HTZ, is a renowned agricultural machinery manufacturer situated in the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv. Established in 1930–31, this plant holds a significant place in Ukraine’s industrial history. This comprehensive article delves into the rich history, products, and notable events in the life of Kharkiv Tractor Plant.


The Kharkiv Tractor Plant was one of the pivotal projects under Stalin’s First Five-Year Plan (1927–32), designed to industrialize the Soviet Union. Tractors were deemed essential for agricultural productivity and collectivization. The plant was named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze, the Commissar for Heavy Industry. It stood alongside major tractor plants in Stalingrad and Chelyabinsk.

Building the Giant

Construction began in April 1930, with the plant situated southeast of Kharkiv. The ambitious endeavor employed around 10,000 workers, 2,000 horses, and massive amounts of materials. The factory’s design, influenced by Detroit architect Albert Kahn, aimed to produce everything required for a tractor in-house, from iron to complex components.

Early Production and Achievements

In October 1931, the plant commenced production of the SXTZ 15/30 wheel-type tractor, based on the American International Harvester model. It quickly gained recognition, and in 1932, 17,374 tractors were manufactured. By 1936, the plant produced its 150,000th tractor.

Wartime Challenges

During World War II, the plant faced adversity as its equipment was evacuated to Stalingrad and later to Rubtsovsk in Siberia. The original Kharkiv facility was severely damaged during the war. After its liberation in 1943, extensive efforts went into rebuilding the factory.

Soviet Era Achievements

The post-war years brought about significant tractor production milestones, such as the DT-54 diesel tractor and the T-150K. In the 1980s, the plant achieved maximum productivity, producing up to 70,000 tractors annually. The Soviet-era factory received multiple awards, including the Order of Lenin and the Order of the Red Banner of Labour.

Post-Soviet Era

In 1994, following the dissolution of the Soviet Union and Ukraine’s independence, the plant underwent a transformation into a publicly-owned joint stock company. It continued to produce tractors and diversified its offerings, including military products like artillery tractors and self-propelled howitzers.

Alleged Russian Plot in 2016

Ownership and Controversy

In 2007, the plant’s majority stake was sold to Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska. However, in 2016, a controversy erupted when the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) claimed that the Russian owners were planning to dismantle the plant. This move could have led to a cessation of production and the loss of skilled workers’ jobs.

Intervention and Ownership Change

In response to the alleged plot, the SBU seized control of the plant’s property and accounts, preventing the loss of production equipment and blueprints. Later, with the support of Austrian businessman Siegfried Wolf, the original investor, Oleksandr Yaroslavskyi’s DCH group, resumed control of the company.

Plans for Ecopolis HTZ, 2022

In October 2021, DCH group announced plans to redevelop the extensive industrial site into Ukraine’s largest technology park, “Ecopolis HTZ.” This visionary project aimed to create an innovation hub, logistics complex, medical center, and more, attracting global tech companies like Hewlett Packard.

Destruction in the Russian Invasion, February 2022

Tragically, the Kharkiv Tractor Plant’s story took a devastating turn when it was reported that the plant was destroyed by massive shelling and fires during the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Video footage documented explosions and fire at the facility, marking a somber chapter in the plant’s history.


A Legacy of Tractors

Until its destruction in 2022, the Kharkiv Tractor Plant produced a wide range of tractors, both wheeled and tracked, designed for agricultural and industrial use. Some of its notable products included:

Wheeled Tractors:

  • XTZ-241K
  • XTZ-242K
  • XTZ-243K
  • XTZ-248K
  • XTZ-249K
  • XTZ-150К-09.172.00
  • XTZ-150К-09.172.10
  • XTZ-181.20

Tracked Tractors:

  • ХТZ-181.20
  • ХТZ-181.22

Special Equipment:

  • BKM-2M drilling and crane machine
  • Mulcher
  • ММТ-2, ММТ-2M
  • Т-156B
  • ММТ-2P

The Kharkiv Tractor Plant, once a symbol of industrial prowess and agricultural progress, met a tragic fate during the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Its destruction marked the end of an era for this historic facility. However, its legacy as a vital contributor to Ukraine’s agricultural and industrial sectors will always be remembered.

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