BIOCOMP is an ideal organomineral fertilizer with high levels of N-P-K and natural humus.

BIOCOMP’s organic part is made of humus that contains humic acids which facilitate the intake of nutrients and provide balanced long-term nutrition for plants. Naturally this also contributes positively to the general soil structure.

The benefits of using BIOCOMP as a fertilizer include:

  1. Increased nutrient uptake by plants: The humic acids in BIOCOMP help plants absorb and utilize nutrients more efficiently, resulting in healthier, stronger plants.
  2. Balanced nutrition: BIOCOMP provides a balanced mix of essential nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, to support plant growth and development.
  3. Soil health improvement: The organic humus in BIOCOMP improves soil structure, increasing the soil’s ability to retain moisture and nutrients. This helps to promote healthy root growth and reduce the need for frequent watering and fertilizing.
  4. Sustainable and eco-friendly: BIOCOMP is made from natural, organic materials, making it a sustainable and environmentally-friendly option for fertilizing plants.

Overall, BIOCOMP is a highly effective and eco-friendly fertilizer that can help plants thrive and improve soil health.

Chemical fertilizers that are used for many years in soil have a negative effect on both the soil and yield. BIOCOMP fertilizers aim to prevent these chemical fertilizer effects with the help of distinctive fertilizer characteristics such as;

• Preventing barren by avoiding salinity.
• Allowing plants to absorb the entire nutrients in the soil in a balanced manner by increasing microbiological activity in the soil.
• The humus keeps all nutrients in the soil, and as a result reduces fertilizer consumption and loss.
• Balancing aeration capacity and water retention of the soil.
• Improving soil structure and supports plant root development.
• Enhancing nutrients in soil via microbiological activity.
• Enhancing soil nutrient capacity.
• Preventing sudden pH value changes in soil.
• Preventing nutrients (especially nitrogen) from being washed away by excessive rainfall and excess watering
• Preventing bond building of lime and phosphorus in soil.
• Enabling the release of fixed macro nutrients in the soil.
• Improving soil temperature to help early germination of seeds; supporting healthy and strong growth of seedlings.
• Preventing duff layer formation.
• Increasing organic matter amount (humus) in soil with annual regular use; reducing drought stress of new plants.

In summary, BIOCOMP fertilizers are effective in preventing negative effects of chemical fertilizers on the soil and plants. They help to improve soil structure, increase nutrient uptake by plants, and provide balanced nutrition for healthy plant growth. BIOCOMP fertilizers are also sustainable and eco-friendly, making them a valuable addition to any gardening or farming program.


It is an ideal, long-lasting preparation (Leonardite based) formed by decomposition of vegetable materials under the soil for a time period of thousands of years. It supports plant growth by regulating the soil structure with humic and fulvic acids that it is containing

Humus also provides a rich source of nutrients for plants, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

The benefits of using humus as a fertilizer include:

  1. Improved soil structure: Humus helps to improve the structure of the soil, increasing its ability to retain moisture and nutrients. This promotes healthy root growth and reduces the need for frequent watering and fertilizing.
  2. Increased nutrient uptake by plants: Humus contains humic and fulvic acids, which help plants absorb and utilize nutrients more efficiently. This results in healthier, stronger plants.
  3. Balanced nutrition: Humus provides a balanced mix of essential nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, to support plant growth and development.
  4. Sustainable and eco-friendly: Humus is made from natural, organic materials, making it a sustainable and environmentally-friendly option for fertilizing plants.

Overall, humus is a valuable addition to any fertilizer program, providing essential nutrients and improving soil structure for healthy plant growth.

You can review Biocomp products on this page.

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